How to keep your staff motivated during a pandemic

If you’re able to, you’ve already taken business online. Remote business can work. Remote business must work. But, how do you keep staff motivated to do work when you can barely keep yourself motivated to do work? You’re surrounded by your favourite people, some of whom are probably loud children and there’s that new game you just bought for the PlayStation. And, if the siren call of your bed gets any stronger…. Surely, if you’re struggling with motivation so are your staff.

Here are some tips to make your job, and their job a little easier during this time of self-isolation and remote working.

Communication during remote working is critical.

Use technologies like Teams or Zoom to have morning catch-up meetings. Miro has a wonderful collaborative whiteboard tool. There are loads of free and paid tools to help you stay connected. Even email and WhatsApp work. You must stay in touch with your crew. And, while you’re at it encourage them to stay in touch, too. If you are going to choose the path of remote work, please make sure everyone has access to data or fibre. We are giving all Standard Bank Mobile users 1GB free to help them through these lonely times, and most service providers have discounted data. It’ll cost you more to be disconnected.

How to avoid cabin fever

Cabin fever eats away at motivation, so encourage one another to go for walks or to set up office in the garden or out on the patio. Get some fresh air. Get some exercise. Then, get back to the grindstone.

Whatever you do, do not work in bed.

You will be tempted to catch a few zzzz’s. And once temptation sets in… just don’t.

Keep your normal routine

One of the best ways to stay motivated is to stick to your normal work routine. You can’t encourage your team to stick to this if you don’t. Used to get up at 05h09? Then you need to set your alarm for 05h09. Did you go to gym next? Then find a way to exercise. Don’t forget to shower. Not joking? The first thing to be discarded during remote working is a shower. And a good shower will wake you up. Then, get dressed as if you’re going to work. You will be tempted to go to work in your pjs. Just don’t. Remember to have lunch. Sticking to your normal routine will help you stay motivated. And, probably one of the biggest ways you can keep your staff motivated, is to be motivated yourself.

Humans are social creatures. Even the most introverted human needs time with people. Self-isolation is not easy. But, with some clever communicating, time in the fresh air, a strong enough mind to ignore your bed and other temptations and keeping up with your normal routine will keep you motivated and in turn help you keep your team in the game (no, not the PlayStation one).